Social media services
A key part of our support for you is through social media promotion. We utilise X (with five accounts), Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Bluesky and Threads to place your article in front of the audiences that it's most likely to resonate with.
Any article that we publish on your behalf in any of our productions is automatically supported by our social media marketing colleagues. Our aim is quality and quantity, but with quality first and foremost. We're able to match or exceed the figures of many media outlets and individuals with large amounts of 'followers' by deleting the spammers and bots that to attach themselves to social media accounts. We keep the followers tight, and the content relevant, with very good results. It's not something that everyone does, but we're very dedicated to this aspect of it.
To back that up, we provide you with a mini spreadsheet of all of the social media accounts that we've posted your article to, together with viewing figures and clickable links so that you can see that the figures are accurate. Of course, the figures keep growing even after we've sent the information to you, so we archive them for a year and can update you at any time.
Although our social media coverage is linked to which publications or online resources your stories are featured in, we want to make sure each article gets at least 250 views, so if a story is not attracting as many views as we'd like for whatever reason (perhaps content, perhaps photography - it does happen!) - we'll carry on promoting through other channels until we get the viewing figures for you. Although it's a free service, you're our customer and we want to provide the best results and the best value for you.
We also work with clients directly to start, maintain and improve their social media output - whther it's starting social media activity from scratch, maintaining or growing an account, providing content, , gaining followers or targeting companies and individuals to follow - we're happy to help.
Multiple social media accounts to give you maximum visibility
Tight control over followers for relevance and better engagement
Bots and non-relevant followers aren't tolerated
Viewing statistics provided to you free of charge
Statistics archived, updated and available for at least one year
X, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and Threads inclusion available
Articles are tailored to relevant social media sites
Linked back to our websites and your stories for added value and improved SEO
No cost - it's our service to you
Optional support for your own social media accounts​
Here's a guide to costs - it won't take long!
Social media support for our clients through our social media outlets - £0.00
Help with clients own social media accounts (see above) - let's discuss it!